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Thank you!

We want to thank all of you who came out to see us. We apologize for those who made it to the Receiving of Friends to find we were not there. We were told the streets are closed and not to come. We so wanted to be there and see you all.

All of the events were wonderful and made more wonderful by you. 

The Turchin Center exhibit will be up until December 4th so we encourage you to visit that exhibit at your convenience. For those of you who cannot attend, the Turchin Center has created a page that contains the art and our written paragraphs to view the art portion of the show. We still hope to link to videos at a later date of both the reception speeches but also a tour of the exhibit to see the memorabilia about our father that are on display. 

We encourage you to enjoy this page of art and words.

WCD Memorial exhibits Schedule from July 2nd and 3re of 2021. There was an exhibit titled "Father, Grandfather, Artist", a receiving of friends and a reception at Carlton Gallery where the artist has exhibited for decades.

Southern, Figurative Artist Warren C. Dennis, Jr.

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